Stephen Tweed’s Thursday Thoughts
Digital Disruptor Honor Raises Another $50 Million
May 31, 2018The investment by private equity investors in technology for in-home care continues. Honor, the leading…Read more
Another Disruption at a Digital Disruptor
May 19, 2018By Stephen Tweed As longtime readers know, we've been following the path of the "Digital…Read more
Home Care Services under Medicare Advantage
May 18, 2018By Stephen Tweed Since the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that…Read more
Home Care Nurses Have a Proud History
May 9, 2018By Elizabeth Hogue This is National Nurses Week, so we are celebrating the profession of…Read more
Trendicators – Monitoring the Forces and Trends Shaping the Future of Home Care in America
May 7, 2018"Trendicators" are data points that lead to trends, or patterns of change. At Leading Home…Read more
Home Care Trendicators – Consolidation in Private Pay Personal Care
May 2, 2018By Stephen Tweed What will the future of private pay home care look like…Read more
Another Digital Disruptor Bites the Dust in Private Pay Home Care
April 16, 2018By Stephen Tweed After a huge media splash last November, HomeTeam, one of our home…Read more
What Exceptional Executives Need to Know
February 7, 2018By Stephen Tweed Today, I'm writing to from 35,000 feet above the Midwest as I…Read more
Six Secrets of Selling Private Duty Home Care.
January 25, 2018By Stephen Tweed What are you doing to grow your private pay home care business…Read more
Without Data, You’re Just Another Person with an Opinion
January 23, 2018By Stephen Tweed I'm writing to you today from the Delta Sky Club in Atlanta…Read more
Where There Is No Vision, the People Will Perish
January 3, 2018By Stephen Tweed What's Your Vision for your home health agency, hospice, or private duty…Read more
The Four Big Whys of Home Care Strategic Focus
December 4, 2017By Stephen Tweed As a leader in home health, hospice, or private duty home care,…Read more