Stephen Tweed’s Thursday Thoughts
Home Care Workers form Cooperative
April 3, 2006One of the hottest topics in home care today is the issue of "consumer directed…Read more
The Cost of Elder Care Going Up
March 31, 2006Older Americans in need of care face rising costs in Home Health Care, Assisted Living…Read more
Home Health Pioneer Saves Lives Telling Her Story
March 31, 2006This past week, I was working with a new home health care client in Grand…Read more
Home Health Care Agencies who offer FREE pre-operative safey checks may be in violation of Federal Law
March 31, 2006Several months ago, a listener in one of our teleseminars on home health care marketing…Read more
Private Duty Home Care in Assisted Living Environments
March 17, 2006Want to grow your Private Duty Home Care business? Consider working closely with Assisted Living…Read more
Home Health Care Consultant Running for End of Life
March 17, 2006One of my favorite people in home care is Jeannee Parker Martin, President of the…Read more
The Positive Impact of Home Health Care in a Retirement Community Setting
March 16, 2006This morning's opening general session at the National Private Duty Association conference featured Mary Harrison,…Read more
Home Care Marketing to Die For without Killing Your Budget
March 15, 2006A Live Update from the National Private Duty Association annual conference in AtlantaWant to grow…Read more
Certain diagnoses fare worse under home health PPS
March 14, 2006Medicare beneficiaries with renal failure, pulmonary disease, and multiple sclerosis have experienced higher rates of…Read more
Find Physicians who work in Home Health Care
March 14, 2006Want to make contact and build relationships with more physicians who work in home health…Read more
Creating Exceptional Customer Experiences in Home Health Care
March 8, 2006Yesterday, I was in western Pennsylvania presenting a seminar for a young, rapdily growing home…Read more
Non-medical Home Care aides the elderly during time of natural disasters
March 8, 2006When catastrophe comes calling, seniors and family caregivers are among the most vulnerable, according to…Read more