Building Relationships with Your Software Provider

Stephen Tweed | June 5, 2013 | Newsroom
We regularly get requests from clients, customers and readers asking our opinion about scheduling software for private duty home care. It's a difficult process to sort through all of the choices to make the best decision about software for your company. There are two factors that come in to play when selecting a software system:…

We regularly get requests from clients, customers and readers asking our opinion about scheduling software for private duty home care. It’s a difficult process to sort through all of the choices to make the best decision about software for your company.

There are two factors that come in to play when selecting a software system:

1.  The Product
2.  The People

 Before you select a system, get to know the people behind the product.  Learn about the company and it’s owners.  Get to know the sales people and the technical support people. Are these folks that you like, that you trust, and that keep their promises?  While there are dozens of differences between programs related to the features and the functions, most of the software programs out there do what they are designed to do.

You will be most delighted with your software system when you get to know and trust the people. 

Over the past five years, we have gotten to know the major software providers, and have selected three

programs that we are confident recommending to you when you ask. One of them, of course, is AppointMate by Delta Health Technologies.

We recommend AppointMate for two reasons…first because we like the people and the company. We’ve known the folks at Delta Health Technologies for many years. We’ve also known the folks at AppointMate. When the two came together, we knew they had to be a winning combination.

Second, we like the product. It’s web based, which means you can schedule from any computer with an internet connection. It’s flexible, allowing you to adapt the process to the needs of your clients, and to the size of your company. The flexible pricing structure allows you to start small and grow into the system as your company grows.

Attend the Software User Group Meeting

We highly recommend that you or a member of your team attend the user group meeting that is put on by the software company.  This is a great time to learn more about the functionality of the software.  But more important, it’s a chance to meet the people, and to meet other users of the same software.

This year, we will be participating in the annual customer conference sponsored by Delta Health Techologies and AppointMate.  Stephen Tweed will be in Altoona, PA, home of Delta Health Technologies on June 26th, 2013 to present the workshop, “Serving More Clients.”  

If you are a user of AppointMate, you won’t want to miss the opportunity.  If you are not a user of AppointMate,  you are still invited to register for the workshop, and get the benefit of the latest research on sales, marketing, and public relations in private duty home care.   

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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