Building Your Business Through Effective Scheduling

Stephen Tweed | November 6, 2013 | Newsroom
By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services at the Academy for Private Duty Home Care We regularly get requests from clients, customers and readers asking our opinion about scheduling software for private duty home care. It's a difficult process to sort through all of the choices to make the best decision about software for your…
By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services at the Academy for Private Duty Home Care

We regularly get requests from clients, customers and readers asking our opinion about scheduling software for private duty home care. It’s a difficult process to sort through all of the choices to make the best decision about software for your company.

We can’t tell you which software company will work best for your company, but we are happy to recommend a couple companies that you can request a demo to learn about the software and the company. The product itself and the people behind the product are two of the most important factors that should be considered when selecting a software system to use for your company. Learn about the company and its owner’s reputation. Get to know the sales people and the support team. Are these folks that you like, work well with and trust to keep their promises? You may also want to ask if you can contact current customers to get their opinion.

While there are dozens of differences between programs related to the features and the functions, most of the software programs out there accomplish the same goals, so the pricing and people behind the product may be a deciding factor for you. In the long run you’re likely to be more comfortable with your software system if you get to know and trust the people.

One software system we recommend is Appointmate by Delta Health Technologies. We’ve known the folks at Delta Health and Appointmate for years and trust that they have a great product. It’s web based, which means you can schedule from any computer with an internet connection. It’s flexible, allowing you to adapt the process to the needs of your clients, and to the size of your company. The flexible pricing structure allows you to start small and grow into the system as your company grows.

Over the years, we’ve worked with thousands of companies and we’ve learned that your scheduling coordinator is the most important person in your office when it comes to customer relations and employee relations. And a very important piece of being able to effectively schedule caregivers, is your scheduling software. So, you’ll want to do your homework and find the scheduling software that works best for your company.

AppointMate has dozens of features that simplify scheduling, serve as management’s invisible hand and assist with intake and service assessments. By integrating an overdue appointment alert system and scheduling capabilities, AppointMate permits business owners to spend less time juggling multiple software applications and worrying whether employees will show up at client locations, freeing them to instead focus on company growth and providing quality care to clients.

You can read more about AppointMate and get their contact information here.

To learn more about scheduling and different things you can do to improve efficiency by using scheduling software, join us for our next live web conference, presented by Caregiver Quality Assurance. Bridget Wempe, from ElderCare 4 Families, will be our special guest and will focus on the fundamentals of effective scheduling to help you grow your business. She will also discuss with you the importance of automating your scheduling system, and having the right people and processes in place. ElderCare 4 Families is a $3+ million private duty company and also the host of our Private Duty Field Trips in Louisville, Kentucky, so we know their processes work!

We hope you’ll join us to learn more about scheduling from Bridget when she joins Stephen next week… you’re sure to come away with a new appreciation for the importance of scheduling in growing your business. Purchase the recorded webinar today!


Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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