Caregiver Shortages Still the Biggest Challenge to Growing Home Care

Stephen Tweed | September 30, 2015 | Newsroom
By Stephen Tweed On Monday, I was in Washington DC for the 2015 Home Care Association of America annual leadership conference.  I presented a workshop session on "Leading From The Inside Out", where we talked about the Forces and Trends shaping the future of home care in America.  I asked the participants about the biggest…

By Stephen Tweed

On Monday, I was in Washington DC for the 2015 Home Care Association of America annual leadership conference.  I presented a workshop session on “Leading From The Inside Out”, where we talked about the Forces and Trends shaping the future of home care in America.  I asked the participants about the biggest challenge they face in growing their businesses and they almost unanimously said “Caregiver shortages.”

This is exactly what they said last year at this same meeting in Kansas City.  After that meeting, we came back and initiated the 2015 Private Duty Home Care Recruiting Study, and published a Research Report sponsored by HomeTrak.

A Three Pronged Strategy

The results of our research study yielded a three pronged approach to finding the caregivers you need to grow your business:

  1. Referral Programs
  2. Digital Recruiting
  3. Face to Face Recruiting

Our study showed that while online recruiting has grown tremendously in the last five years, you can’t depend on it alone.  Even the online recruiting services are finding that they need to use other methods to get caregivers to sign up and keep their listings current.

Download your Free Report

You can get a free copy of this industry leading report thanks to Rick Morey, CEO of HomeTrak.  HomeTrak has been our Resource Partner

Brought to you by Home Trak
Brought to you by HomeTrak

since the beginning of The Academy for Private Duty Home Care, and we appreciate their support of our research efforts.  I went by their booth at the HCAOA show today and got an update on the new innovation they have brought to their software.  One of the things I am very excited about is the Human Resources Module, which brings you an online application and  Applicant Tracking System to help automate your recruiting  process.

To get a copy of the 2015 Private Duty Home Care Recruiting Study, click on the link, fill in the form, and download your copy.  Thanks, Rick, and HomeTrak for bringing this valuable information to our readers.

Free download

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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