News and Views
Leading Home Care is dedicated to keeping you informed of events, industry news, the latest research, and professional development strategies.
Conquering the Caregiver Recruiting Crisis
April 20, 2016By Stephen Tweed It's official. We are experiencing a crisis in the home care industry.…Read more
Discover the Potential of Your Team to Find Success
April 6, 2016By Diane West While reading an article about recruiting on LinkedIn Pulse recently the title of…Read more
Solving the Caregiver Recruiting Crisis: What CEOs need to Understand about Caregiver Recruiting
March 16, 2016By Stephen Tweed The Biggest Threat to Home Care is the Caregiver Shortage! That's one…Read more
Stephen Tweed is Coming to a City Near You
March 16, 2016Would you like to Renew, Reinvent, Rejuvenate, or Revitalize your home care business? Would you…Read more
Visioneering Home Care in 2016
January 4, 2016By Stephen Tweed This past Sunday morning at 8:00 am, Elizabeth and I were on…Read more
Major Changes in Discharge Planning for Hospitals May Open Doors to Referrals
November 30, 2015By Stephen Tweed One of the biggest challenges faced by home care leaders this year…Read more
Ask Stephen Tweed: What can we expect from a dedicated recruiter?
November 4, 2015Hi Stephen - I met you at the recruiting and retention seminar in Phoenix…Read more
Case Study: Limit Your Liability with Caregiver Training
October 14, 2015By David Dickie CEO, The Solutions Group What's your potential liability if a client is injured…Read more
Caregiver Education Like Starbucks
October 14, 2015By Ginny Kenyon Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know the impact Starbucks…Read more
Reduce Costs with Online Education for Healthcare Aides
September 16, 2015By Ginny Kenyon Online education is not only the future of education for schools and…Read more
Top Tips for Finding and Keeping Caregivers
September 2, 2015By Stephen Tweed According to the 2015 Private Duty Benchmarking Study from Home Care Pulse,…Read more
Should We Be Worried About Our Field?
August 29, 2015What is "Healthcare At Home"? Why should we as home health care professionals be concerned…Read more