CQA Pre-employment Assessment leads the market in Private Duty Home Care

Stephen Tweed | June 10, 2013 | Newsroom
CQA Pre-Employment Assessment Leads the Market According to the 2013 Private Duty Benchmarking Study  just released this week by Home Care Pulse, the Caregiver Quality Assurance® pre-employment assessment is the market leader for home care companies using online assessments to help select caregivers. This year, 617 home care companies completed the annual benchmarking survey, and 22%…

CQA Pre-Employment Assessment Leads the Market

According to the 2013 Private Duty Benchmarking Study  just released this week by Home Care Pulse, the Caregiver Quality Assurance® pre-employment assessment is the market leader for home care companies using online assessments to help select caregivers.

This year, 617 home care companies completed the annual benchmarking survey, and 22% said they use an online pre-employment assessment tool to help in their selection.  CQA leads the market by a significant margin.

Here is a list of the top providers of online assessments and the percentage of survey respondents who use them:

  1. Caregiver Quality Assurance – 32.1%
  2. Care Profiler – 11.5%
  3. People Clues – 5.1%
  4. DISC from Inscape Publishing – 3.8%
  5. Profiles International – 2.6%
  6. Kolbe Index – 1.3%

What sets the CQA assessment apart from the others listed is the four dimensions of assessment – attitudes, behavior, cognitive ability, and engagement.  Most of the others only measure behavior.

Sources of Competitive Advantage

The 2013 Private Duty Benchmarking Study also shows the top 5 things that set a home care agency apart from their competitors:

1.  Caregiver Quality – 39.3%
2.  24/7 Availability – 36.1%
3.  Client Satisfaction – 27.3%
4.  Exceptional Customer Service – 24.6%
5.  Professionalism of the Agency – 15.7%

If you want to gain competitive advantage in your local marketplace, begin by using the best-selling pre-employment screening tool to assure caregiver quality.  Become a member of Caregiver Quality Assurance®

Get Your Copy of the Private Duty Benchmark Report

To learn more about the results of this industry leading report, order your copy of the 2013 Private Duty  Benchmarking Report.


Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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