You are Eligible for Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

Stephen Tweed | June 25, 2014 | Newsroom
By Joe Scheuner, President, US Tax Works 2.0 LLC As a business owner wouldn’t it be great to find an additional source of revenue?  Are you familiar with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)?  It’s a Federal tax credit available to employers who hire and retain veterans and individuals from certain other target groups.  There…

By Joe Scheuner, President, US Tax Works 2.0 LLC

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As a business owner wouldn’t it be great to find an additional source of revenue?  Are you familiar with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)?  It’s a Federal tax credit available to employers who hire and retain veterans and individuals from certain other target groups.  There is no limit on the number of individuals an employer can hire to qualify for the tax credit.  Because of our extensive experience in the home health care field we know many of your new employees will qualify you, the employer, for thousands of dollars in federal tax credits.

You may be concerned this will be a paperwork nightmare requiring time and attention from an already busy staff.  Not so, because US Tax Works 2.0 will file the necessary paperwork and follow up with the government.

There are several reasons to consider this risk-free program:

  • You can try the WOTC program with any number of locations and discontinue at any time, with a simple notice to us.
  • These tax credits will improve your bottom line and you won’t have to do the intensive paperwork to secure the financial benefits.
  • Tax credits can range from $2,400 to $9,000, per employee, depending on the employee hired.
  • There is no financial investment on your part.
  • There is a 20-year carry-forward for these credits.

The process of obtaining these credits is paperwork intensive and involves tracking.  We don’t recommend attempting this on your own.  Instead, let a company that specializes in processing the WOTC, US Tax Works 2.0 LLC, take care of the paperwork and follow up.  Here are some of the advantages to using US Tax Works 2.0:

  • This is all we do, so we bring a focused expertise to obtaining the maximum credit.
  • We’ve developed proprietary and helpful aids for obtaining the necessary information required.
  • Finally, not to disrupt your cash flow, we do not charge you anything until you both obtain and use the credits.

You have two options to submit the necessary forms:

•    US Tax Works 2.0 provides your company with a unique URL.
•    Each new hire logs in to our secure online application and fills out the online form, signs it electronically, and the claim is submitted automatically to our office for processing.

•    Each new hire completes Federal Form 8850 and the US Tax Works 2.0 proprietary Additional Information Form.
•    Once a week you’ll mail these forms to US Tax Works 2.0 for processing.
•    US Tax Works 2.0 processes the forms and mails them to the appropriate government agency.

Learn more about us at  If you have any questions please contact Joe Scheuner, President of US Tax Works 2.0 LLC, at 901-335-9930 or

To read more about the WOTC visit

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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