Grow Your Business Workshop Kicks Off in Orlando on February 19, 2013

Stephen Tweed | January 30, 2013 | Newsroom
Grow your business, and get ready for the future.  That's the theme and focus of The NEW Academy for Private Duty Home Care.  You may have attended a workshop or seminar in the past under the banner of The Academy for Private Duty Home Care, hosted by your state home care association.  We have refined…

Grow your business, and get ready for the future.  That’s the theme and focus of The NEW Academy for Private Duty Home Care. 

You may have attended a workshop or seminar in the past under the banner of The Academy for Private Duty Home Care, hosted by your state home care association.  We have refined and refocused The Academy to include online learning and private duty mastermind groups while continuing to offer our live workshops. 

New for 2013 is our BRAND NEW two-day workshop, Grow Your Business.  We have so much new content that we’ve expanded our live workshop to two days.  Day one will focus on growing your business with our new program, “Serving More Clients.”  This full day is devoted to the latest research on the top techniques for sales, marketing, and public relations to generate more referrals that turn into admissions.

Day Two is devoted to finding and keeping the people you need to serve your clients and grow your business.  Our research shows that the era of staff shortages is returning as the economy improves.  If you want to continue to grow your business, you will need to make sure that you have the caregivers and the office team you need to support that growth.

If you like learning in a live workshop setting, and if you are serious about growing your business in 2013, you will want to attend Grow Your Business, sponsored by The Academy for Private Duty Home Care, and hosted by the Home Care Association of Florida.  We’ll be in Orlando, Florida on February 19 and 20, 2013.  We’ll be at the luxurious Double Tree Orlando at Seaworld.   You have until February 7th to reserve your room at the conference price. 

HCAF members and Academy Premium Members get a discount. 

Now’s a great time to come to Florida.  And now’s a perfect time to learn what you need to know to grow your business and get ready for the future. 

Don’t Delay.  Register Today. 
Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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