Join the $5 Million Private Duty Home Care Club

Stephen Tweed | November 7, 2012 | Newsroom
It’s lonely at the top!  As the Owner or CEO of a successful home care company, you probably feel pretty good about all that you have accomplished.  Yet there are times when you wish you had someone to talk with who really understands your business, your issues, and your concerns.Now, that opportunity is available to…

It’s lonely at the top!  As the Owner or CEO of a successful home care company, you probably feel pretty good about all that you have accomplished.  Yet there are times when you wish you had someone to talk with who really understands your business, your issues, and your concerns.

Now, that opportunity is available to you through Home Care Mastermind Groups TM

If your home care company generates $5 million or more in revenue, you are eligible to join The $5 Million Club in The Academy for Private Duty Home Care (TM)
Home Care Mastermind Groups TM are groups of 10-15 owners and CEOs of non-competing home care companies who get together on a regular basis to exchange ideas and information, solve problems, and provide support to one another. 

Purpose:  The purpose of a Home Care Mastermind Group TMis to provide a mechanism for groups of non-competing home care owners and CEOs to get together for a confidential exchange of experiences, problems, issues, solutions, at ideas at regular meetings; and to receive the benefit of reliable comparative operating data.  The objective of each group is to help members improve the overall operating performance of their home care companies.
Who Can Join?
To qualify for membership in a Home Care Mastermind Group TM, You must be an active principle or CEO of a home care company in that generates $5 million or more in annual revenue
How Often Will We Meet? 

Each Home Care Mastermind Group TMwill meet two or three times per year for at least two days.  Dates and locations will be determined by the group. 
How Many are in The Group?
Each Home Care Mastermind Group TMconsists of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 individuals.  Waiting lists are being taken for individuals who are interested in joining an existing group or starting a new group.
What Benefits do I get for my membership in this group?
As an active member in a Home Care Mastermind Group TM, you can expect to receive:
  • Two or three face to face meetings with your group members per year
  • Six interactive web conferences with your group
  • Annual benchmarking reports showing comparative data for selected financial and operating indicators
  • Immediate Feedback from members and the group facilitator on your company’s performance compared to the benchmarks
  • An annual premium membership in The Academy for Private Duty Home Care ™
  • Complimentary advance copies of new information products developed by Leading Home Care
  • Access to other group members for problem solving and idea generation 

Sign Up Today!

We are in the process of building a list of company owners and CEOs who are interested in being part of the $5 Million club.  As soon as we get ten names, we’ll contact everyone to begin working on dates and location for the first mastermind meeting.  We are considering meeting in mid-January 2013 in Phoenix, AZ.
If you would like to be part of this group, 


Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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