Learn from the Best

Stephen Tweed | November 20, 2012 | Newsroom
By Stephen TweedLast year I was attending the annual convention of our National Speakers Association.  One of the speakers was a colleague by the name of Marty Grunder, who owns and operates a highly successful landscaping business.  Marty also speaks and consults for owners of other landscaping businesses.In his presentation, Marty described his Green Industry…

By Stephen Tweed

Last year I was attending the annual convention of our National Speakers Association.  One of the speakers was a colleague by the name of Marty Grunder, who owns and operates a highly successful landscaping business.  Marty also speaks and consults for owners of other landscaping businesses.

In his presentation, Marty described his Green Industry Expert Field Trip. He brings ten owners of smaller landscaping businesses to his location near Dayton, Ohio, for a one day visit.  He shows them in detail how he does his business, and gives them an opportunity to see his company in action.

When I heard this concept, I immediately knew that we had to offer this to our clients in private duty home care.  It’s taken about two years to put it together, but here it is.

I’m pleased to announce to you the Private Duty Experts Field Trip.

This is a once in a life-time opportunity to spend one full day inside the operations of a highly successful private pay, non-medical home care company with eleven other business owners from around the country.  You’ll have a chance to meet the staff, look at their operations, talk with the owners, and pick their brains.  They’ve agreed to tell you all they have learned about how to run a successful multi-million dollar private duty home care business.

Join us in Phoenix in January.

You are invited to join us for a field trip to Cypress Home Care Solutions, a $3 million + home care business owned by Bob Roth and his family in Phoenix, Arizona on January 24 and 25, 2013.  Bob, and his chief operating officer, Scott Spangler, will welcome you into their company and show you exactly how they do it.

Cypress Home Care Solutions has been voted Best Home Care Company in Phoenix by the readers of  Arizona Business Magazine. 

We’ll meet in the Wine Room at The Capital Grille located at Biltmore Fashion Park at 6:00 pm on Thursday, January 24th, 2013 for a reception and opening dinner.  You’ll get to meet Bob and Scott and their spouses. You’ll also get to meet the eleven other business owners who are joining us for the field trip. We’ll have a delightful evening getting to know one another.

At 8:00am on Friday morning, January 25th, 2013, we’ll convene in the conference room at Cypress Home Care Solutions for coffee and a light breakfast.  At precisely 8:30, Bob and Scott will welcome you and give you an overview of their company. Then you’ll break into groups of 3 or 4 and take a detailed tour of the offices.  You’ll get to see their sales and marketing function, and their inquiry and intake process.  You’ll get to meet their scheduling coordinators and look over their shoulder and observe as they use their Soneto scheduling software to keep their caregivers going to the right clients on time as promised.

Then you’ll have an opportunity to see the other back office functions such as caregiver recruiting and training, billing and collections, and tracking.

After a catered lunch in the conference room, Bob, Scott, and their team will take time to answer all your questions an help you see how you can apply some of their best practices to grow your business.

At 3:00 pm Friday, we’ll adjourn in time to get you back to Sky Harbor International Airport for a flight home, or back to your hotel to begin a weekend of relaxation in sunny, warm, Phoenix, Arizona.

Get Serious about Growing Your Business

If you are serious about growing your business, and you want to learn from the best, they you’ll join us in Phoenix in January for the first ever Private Duty Field Trip. 

Space is limited to 12 individuals, so you will need to register right away.

Don’t delay! Register Today!

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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