There’s no better way to learn how to grow your home care business into a multi-million dollar enterprise that to go deep inside with someone who has already done it.
The Private Duty Field Trip is a unique experience where you and ten other owners will have the opportunity to spend one full day inside a $3 million + private duty business. The owners will show you through their offices, introduce you to key team members, describe their organization structure, and show you their internal processes.
Then you’ll have time to sit around the conference table and ask questions. No holds barred. Ask anything you want. These incredible business owners are willing to open up their hearts, their minds, and their businesses to help you do what they have done … build a highly successful private duty business that makes a lasting impact on their clients, families, caregivers, and employees. And, that makes a lot of money.
Two Field Trips Coming Up
You have two choices for your next Private Duty Field Trip; Louisville, Kentucky or Phoenix Arizona.
When you choose to come to Louisville, you’ll have the opportunity to visit ElderCare4Families, a 30 year old home care company owned by the Pate family. Jeff and Rita Pate have agreed to invite you in to see the intimate details of how they run their business.
When you join us in Phoenix, you’ll have the opportunity to visit Cypress Home Care Solutions, a very successful home care company owned by the Roth family. Bob Roth and Scott Spangler will open their company and give you the opportunity to look in all the nooks and crannies to see you a successful home care business really runs.
Limited Space – Non-competing
Space is limited. In Louisville we have room for 10 people, and in Phoenix we have room for 12. That’s all. Once the group is full it’s full.
Also, we allow only one company per local marketplace so that you will not be attending this event with one of your competitors. We have found that much of the value of coming to the Private Duty Field Trip is the networking with other owners of similar sized companies, and that can get uncomfortable of your local competitor is in the room. So, first come first served from your local marketplace.
The dates are scheduled for our next two field trips, so don’t delay. Register today!