New Statistics on how Video is Key to Growing your Home Care Business

Stephen Tweed | December 11, 2013 | Newsroom
We get calls every day.  How can I grow my home care business?  How can I deal with a saturated market when there are so many new competitors out there? How are you going to separate your home care company from the crowd in the coming year? One way is to use more video on your web…

We get calls every day.  How can I grow my home care business?  How can I deal with a saturated market when there are so many new competitors out there?

How are you going to separate your home care company from the crowd in the coming year?

One way is to use more video on your web site, in your email newsletters, and your blog posts.  If you’ve been to our newest web site at The Academy for Private Duty Home Care®, you’ve seen  how we have used more video and it’s working.

Today, I got an email newsletter from my friend and National Speakers Association colleague, Ed Primeau.  Ed owns and operates a very successful video business in Michigan called Primeau Productions and has created fabulous videos for many of my other professional speaker friends.

Ed was writing about how your web presence is critical to your success and how the most significant
change on the web right now is the increasing use of video. Are you using video to promote your home care business?  Let’s take a look as some of Ed’s data.

Video Consumption is Rising Rapidly

  • Online video consumption increased by 38% between May 2011 and May 2012
  • Nearly 80% of people watch online videos at least once a week
  • Video will account for over half of online traffic by 2015

Video Boosts Engagement

  • Visitors spend twice as much time on pages that have video
  • Visitors are 85% more likely to purchase a product after watching a video
  • Videos in emails can double your rate of response

Videos Drive Sharing

  • Video are shared 12 times more than links and text
  • Video is the most shared content on Facebook
  • Posts with video draw three times more links than plain text posts

Search Engines Love Video

  • Video content can make a page 53 times more likely to appear on the first page of a search
  • Video in search results has a 41% higher click through rate
  • You Tube accounts for one third of Google searches

With these facts in mind, it’s time to begin using video on your home care web site, in your email newsletters, and in your blog posts.  Whether you use a video production company like Primeau Productions, or you shoot your own video with your iPhone and edit it on your Mac, using a good video will make a difference.

We’ve found that the two critical ingredients for a good video are lighting and audio.  Your video doesn’t need to be flashy, but it needs to be shot with proper lighting and you need a good microphone.  The biggest weakness of shooting video with your iPhone is the audio.  It has great video but the built in microphone isn’t enough.

Another great way to get good video is to be a guest on a local TV talk show.  Then get a copy of that video to post on your web site.  Here’s an example of how Perpetual Home Care in Raleigh, NC has used video on the home page of their web site to attract more visitors, and to convert them from inquiries into admissions.

Here’s another example of a video produced by the Pennsylvania Home Care Association to help inform and educate consumers about the services of home care agencies.

For more insights on using video to promote your home care company, stay tuned to our Private Duty Today blog.  Take a look at The Academy for Private Duty Home Care. Visit Primeau Productions.   Maybe we can even get Ed to do a video on using video in home care.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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