Nonmedical Caregiver Training and Orientation

Stephen Tweed | February 13, 2008 | Newsroom
Proper caregiver training is important. Jason Tweed, of all people, knows the importance of having caregivers in your home that know what they're doing.There are lots of benefits to ongoing training including:Increased job satisfaction for caregiversIncrease customer satisfaction for clientsImproved relationships with family membersImproved caregiver retentionReduced risk for worker compensation injuriesReduced risk of customer lawsuitsReduce…

Proper caregiver training is important. Jason Tweed, of all people, knows the importance of having caregivers in your home that know what they’re doing.

There are lots of benefits to ongoing training including:

  • Increased job satisfaction for caregivers
  • Increase customer satisfaction for clients
  • Improved relationships with family members
  • Improved caregiver retention
  • Reduced risk for worker compensation injuries
  • Reduced risk of customer lawsuits
  • Reduce risk of public relations crises
  • Compliance with state regulations
  • Compliance with payer requirements

Training, however, when done right can be very expensive and very time intensive.

  • How do you balance the benefits of quality training with the cost?
  • Do you do in-house training?
  • Are the public trainings available on your community?
  • Do you use packaged training programs?
  • Have you developed your own training system?

Share with us some of your experiences. You can share them anonymously, or include your contact information. Click on the word “comments” below to get started.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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