November is National Family Caregiver Month

Stephen Tweed | October 21, 2006 | Newsroom
New York, NY – This November, Companion Connection Senior Care, a national home care membership organization, honors Americans who are the primary caregiver for an aging or disabled loved one during the annually celebrated National Family Caregiver Month.With over 50 million Americans caring for an aging parent and more than 50% of those caregivers reporting…

New York, NY – This November, Companion Connection Senior Care, a national home care membership organization, honors Americans who are the primary caregiver for an aging or disabled loved one during the annually celebrated National Family Caregiver Month.

With over 50 million Americans caring for an aging parent and more than 50% of those caregivers reporting “burn-out,” National Family Caregiver (NFC) Month offers validation and support for the growing population of family caregivers. One of the key ways that family caregivers can avoid burnout and practice self-care is through finding support and outside help. Professional non-medical home care is a perfect solution for family caregivers because it offers assistance with caregiving duties and support and expert advice for the family caregiver.

Respite or supplemental care reduces caregiver stress, helps restore balance and enhances the relationship between the caregiver and their loved one.Companion Connection Senior Care offers support and respite resources for family caregivers through referrals for home care to supplement and relieve family caregivers. Americans can locate quality, compassionate and trustworthy home care.

Elda DeLorenzo of Hollis, New Hampshire, is one of millions of Baby Boomers who is currently facing the responsibility of managing care for an aging parent. DeLorenzo brought her elderly mother home to live with her after she began declining in nursing care. “I first tried putting my mother in a nursing home but she was getting worse. I knew that the only option was to care for her myself but I quickly found myself in over my head,” said DeLorenzo. “Finally I sought help from Classic In-Home Care, a local home care agency and member of Companion Connection Senior Care, and now I receive support 20 hours a week from wonderful and compassionate caregivers. Before I got help I was going crazy. Getting help that I could trust was such a relief and made my life so much easier.”

Across America, more and more aging Americans are choosing to stay at home and be cared for by family members instead of entering institutionalized care. In fact, according to a recent AARP study, 89% of people over 50 wish to remain at home as long as possible. This shift towards aging at home is putting pressure and responsibility on adult children, grandchildren and loved ones of elderly. Suddenly they are faced with the responsibility of providing care and aren’t always prepared for the emotional and physical toll.

National Family Caregiver Month was developed to recognize and validate the roles of family caregivers.“Supporting and caring for loved ones of family caregivers is a privilege for our members and as leaders in the home care industry we understand the challenges that these caregivers face,” said David Goodman, president of Companion Connection Senior Care. “We honor and support family caregivers by providing them with referrals to high quality respite or supplemental help if and when they need it.”

About Companion Connection Senior Care

Companion Connection Senior Care is a national membership organization for non-medical home care agencies. Members are provided with regular ongoing training and support and are held to high standards. With over 80 members across the United States, Companion Connection Senior Care is a pioneer in the home care industry, meeting the exploding need for non-medical home care services.

About National Family Caregiver Month

NFC Month—observed every November—is a nationally recognized month that seeks to draw attention to the many challenges facing more than 50 million family caregivers, advocate for stronger public policy to address family caregiving issues and increase the community programs that support family caregivers. NFC Month is sponsored by the National Family Caregivers Association.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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