Personal care providers top the list of careers with high rates of depression.

Stephen Tweed | January 6, 2011 | Newsroom
Personal care providers top the list of careers with high rates of depression. In one study nearly 11% of people in this field reported a bout of major depression in the past year. The rate in the general population is about 7%.The stress of caring for people, many of whom are sick or disabled, coupled…

Personal care providers top the list of careers with high rates of depression. In one study nearly 11% of people in this field reported a bout of major depression in the past year. The rate in the general population is about 7%.

The stress of caring for people, many of whom are sick or disabled, coupled with the fact that few personal care providers receive positive reinforcement for their work.

Christopher Willard, clinical psychologist from Tufts University, was quoted on as saying “[Care recipients] are often incapable of expressing gratitude or appreciation because they are too ill or two young or just aren’t in the habit of it.”

Of the 21 major job categories in the study, personal care providers ranked highest among full-time workers who are most likely to report an episode of major depression in a year.

Ranked #4 was health care professionals including doctors, nurses and therapists.

The only individuals reporting more bouts of depression based on career were unemployed individuals at about 13%.

Here’s the full top 10 list of careers with high rates of depression:

  1. Personal care providers
  2. food service staff
  3. social workers
  4. healthcare workers
  5. artists, entertainers, and writers
  6. teachers
  7. administrative support staff
  8. maintenance workers and groundskeepers
  9. financial advisors and accountants
  10. salespeople


Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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