Private Duty Field Trip is a Huge Success!

Stephen Tweed | April 2, 2014 | Newsroom
By Stephen Tweed What's the best way to learn any new skill?  From OPE!  Other People's Experience. Last week, 14 owners and key staff members of home care companies from across the country spent a full day in Virginia Beach, Virginia visiting SeniorCorp as part of our Private Duty Field Trip.  This is a totally…

By Stephen Tweed

What’s the best way to learn any new skill?  From OPE!  Other People’s Experience.

Last week, 14 owners and key staff members of home care companies from across the country spent a full day in Virginia Beach, Virginia visiting SeniorCorp as part of our Private Duty Field Trip.  This is a totally new concept introduced to the home care industry in 2013 by The Academy for Private Duty Home Care and this was our sixth field trip.

We extend special thanks to Tom Knox and Andy Tysinger at SeniorCorp for hosting this field trip.  Tom and Andy spent the entire day opening their heads and hearts and sharing with the visiting owners all the details of how they have grown their company from zero to 12,000 hours per week in a little over 10 years.  They shared facts, figures, marketing strategies, recruiting techniques, and insights into how their back office runs.  The participants had lots of questions, and our hosts answered each question to the best of their ability.  The feedback was fabulous.

We’ve had such positive  feedback that we will be offering a number of additional field trips in 2014.

If you would like to learn from OPE how to grow your home care business, then take a few moments to look at the video.  Then plan to join us for a future field trip.  Jeff and Rita Pate will host us at ElderCare 4 Families in April.  Jeff and Rita purchased this 30 year old company 7 years ago and have grown it to over 3,200 hours per week.  This puts them in the top 20% of all home care companies in the country.

Don’t delay.  There’s no time like the present to carve out some time and make an investment in your personal growth and the growth of your home care business by joining us for our next Private Duty Field Trip.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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