Ready to Learn and Grow? Attend a Field Trip in Virginia Beach or Spokane!

Stephen Tweed | August 17, 2017 | Events and Opportunities
By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services I don't know about you, but it's getting to that point in the summer where I'm ready for my boys to be back in their school routine so that I can get back into my routine.  Summer is wonderful and vacation was awesome, but now that we're back…

By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services

Jill, Alexander and Julius on the beach

I don’t know about you, but it’s getting to that point in the summer where I’m ready for my boys to be back in their school routine so that I can get back into my routine.  Summer is wonderful and vacation was awesome, but now that we’re back from the beach, I’m ready to get back in the swing of things.

One of my goals for this Fall is to do some personal and professional development, whether it’s reading books on balancing a work-from-home lifestyle or taking time for self-care or taking advantage of opportunities to learn more about the inner workings of the home care industry.

One of the biggest professional development opportunities I have is be attending the HCAOA annual conference in Austin with Stephen and the bookends for that conference will be 2 of our mastermind groups meeting in person.  So, I’m looking forward to a week of various learning in the industry and with our mastermind members.

If you are looking for opportunities to grow personally and professionally this fall, we have a couple options for you – one being joining a home care mastermind group and the other being attending one of our Home Care Field Trips to Virginia Beach or Spokane, Washington.

Virginia Beach hosted by Seniorcorp

Seniorcorp has been in business since 2000, and in that time, Tom Knox, CEO, has grown the company from 0 to 12,000 hours per week and recently opened another location in Richmond, Virginia bumping their weekly hours to almost 17,000.  Tom and Andy Tysinger, COO, have been hosting Field Trips for the last 5 years and every attendee has walked away with new ideas for marketing, recruiting, retention, office operations and testing the waters on new strategies to help grow their own companies.

Spokane hosted by Family Home Care

Family Home Care has been in business for over 50 years.  In 2013, Jeff Wiberg purchased the remaining portion of Family Home Care with the goal of maintaining a locally owned, family business providing top notch home care in Washington and western Idaho.  Family Home Care is currently running at about 8,000 hours per week and are steadily growing through the acquisition of a fifth and sixth location in the Spokane and Seattle markets.  Jeff and his team are doing a great job growing through the use of technology, operational processes, marketing and recruiting strategies that scale for growth and also through acquisitions.

This is Family Home Care’s first time hosting a Field Trip, but we are all excited about this opportunity and having a location on the west coast for companies to visit.  (There are only 5 spots left for the Field Trip to Family Home Care.)

Why Attend a Field Trip?

Honestly, I feel like fall is a great time to learn with the goal of having new strategies in place or in motion to start the new year.  Yes, learning for growth is great year-round, but it’s been ingrained in the majority of us that January 1 is a great time to set out for lofty goals and the start of an even better year than the year before.

If you’d like to come to Virginia Beach or Spokane or both to learn and prepare for 2018, then you’ll want to register today.  Keep in mind that companies that compete with the host or companies that have already registered, will not be able to attend, so you’ll want to be the first to register from your market to ensure that you get a spot!

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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