Selling to the C Suite

Stephen Tweed | September 30, 2012 | Newsroom
Muffin Marketing is Dead.  C-Suite Selling is in.You can no longer grow your home health agency or hospice by bringing muffins to the hospital discharge planners and working on developing a personal relationship.  Hospitals are blocking access to discharge planners like never before.  There are too many sales reps, and discharge planners are over worked…

Muffin Marketing is Dead.  C-Suite Selling is in.

You can no longer grow your home health agency or hospice by bringing muffins to the hospital discharge planners and working on developing a personal relationship.  Hospitals are blocking access to discharge planners like never before.  There are too many sales reps, and discharge planners are over worked and under appreciated.

If the future, if you want to get a steady flow of referrals from your local hospital, you’ll need to learn how to manage C-Suite Selling, and make a compelling cast to the top executives that your agency can save them money, reduce their stress, or help their marketing process.

There are seven steps in the home health care sales process.  Let’s look at how each one applies to selling the C-Suite.

1.  Prospecting.  Find our the names, titles, and contact information for the hospital executives who are being help accountable for reducing hospital readmissions, and for reducing the overall cost of hospital care.

2.  Make the Approach.  Develop a clear, concise strategy for getting an appointment with these key decision makers.

3.  Develop Rapport. Rapport is a harmonious relationship based on trust, confidence, and comfort. We have shown that good rapport is 90% of the sale.  If you have a good relationship with a high potential prospect, and probability of doing business goes up. If you are unable to develop that harmonious relationship, the probability goes way down.

4.  Determine Needs and Wants.  To present a home health program that will save money, reduce readmissions, and help the hospital grow, you really need to understand their business. You need to understand the multitude of critical issues that hospital executives are facing.  You need to help them get claer about which issues are most pressing that you can help solve.

5.  Present your Program.  In our sales training system, we’ve identified the Four P’s of a Powerful, Persuasive Presentation – Problem, Premise, Program, Promise.  You need to develop specific, focused sales presentations base on your understanding of the hospitals key problems, the premise on which you can help solve these problems, the program you offer that will get those results, and the outcomes you promise to achieve if they go with your program.

6.  Close the Sale.  Ask for the business.  Use one key closing question. “What would it take for you to give us one patient referral to test our program?”

7.  Service After the Sale.  After you get that first patient, get results, give feedback, ask for feedback, stay connected, and ask for the next patient.

If you want to move your agency from Muffin Marketing to C-Suite Selling, give us a call and we’ll show you how.

Call Julie Raque at 502-339-0653 to set up a telephone appointment with Stephen Tweed.
Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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