“Serving More Clients” Workshop coming to Macon, GA

Stephen Tweed | June 15, 2012 | Newsroom
The Georgia Chapter of the National Private Duty Association is pleased to partner with The Academy for Private Duty Home Care to present the one day workshop, "Serving More Clients".  This interactive workshop is designed for owners, CEOs, Administrators, marketing representatives, and chief operating officers who want to grow their businesses.This is your opportunity to…

The Georgia Chapter of the National Private Duty Association is pleased to partner with The Academy for Private Duty Home Care to present the one day workshop, “Serving More Clients” This interactive workshop is designed for owners, CEOs, Administrators, marketing representatives, and chief operating officers who want to grow their businesses.
This is your opportunity to come together in an intimate, high-impact learning environment to share strategies, ideas, and insights on how to grow your business, multiply the performance of your team members, and increase your income.

Purpose:  To develop the next generation of leaders in Private Duty Home Care by providing an intensive learning experience to increase knowledge, skills, and attitudes around the competencies to grow your business, multiply your performance, and increase your income.
As a result of this intimate, high-impact learning experience, leaders in Private Duty Home Care will be able to:
  1. Describe three key pillars of a successful Private Duty Home Care business
  2. See the bigger picture of home care in America
  3. Set direction and develop action plans to grow your business
  4. Develop and implement a focused sales & marketing plan
  5. Develop and implement your Personal Private Duty Scorecard
  6. Interact with owners and CEOs of other successful Private Duty businesses
  7. Increase your income


Course Outline
  1. Seeing the Bigger Picture
    • The Three Key Elements of a successful Private Duty Home Care business
    • The Private Duty Business Builders growth matrix
  2. Getting More Clients
    • Defining your target markets
    • Targeting key referral sources – The Top Referrers in PDHC
    • The Top  Techniques of Private Duty Marketers
    • “Sitting on the Sofa with the Customer” – Selling PDHC
    • Developing your sales and marketing strategy
  3. Capturing the Caller
    • Turning inquiries in to admissions
    • Increasing your conversion ratio
    • Using the in-home assessment to close more sales
    • Tracking incoming calls to improve your marketing and sales
  4. Making More Money
    • Setting up your Private Duty Strategic Scorecard
    • Turning client revenue into gross margin dollars
    • Controlling costs to grow net profit

    Your Presenter:  Stephen Tweed is a nationally know health care and business strategist, professional speaker, author, and consultant.  He is Chairman and CEO of Leading Home Care … a Tweed Jeffries company based in Louisville, KY, and the publisher of Private Duty Today, the leading electronic newsletter for owners, CEOs, and administrators of private pay, non-medical home care companies.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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