The first evening of the NAHC convention, I begin by taking a quick walk through the exhibit hall to see what’s new in our industry. Looking at the exhibit booths and talking with the exhibitors gives me a sense of the changes taking place in our industry. This is one of the ways that I track the trends.
This evening in my first quick walk through, I found two things catching my attention. First, the information system company booths are bigger and brigher than ever before. The IT companies must be doing well, and their trade show budgets are growing. And there are more software venders that ever.
Also, I noticed the increasing number of telehealth and PERS vendors.
Second, there’s Private Duty. We’ve been on the leading Edge of Private Duty Home Care for the past five years, and I’ve never seen so many vendors and consultants promoting their services. I suspect some of it has to do with the start up of NAHC’s Private Duty Home Care Association, and the inclusion of a Private Duty track in this conference.
(I’ll be speaking tomorrow on “Profitable Niches in Private Duty Home Care.” If you’d like a copy of my presentation, drop me a note. )
For more on our work with Private Duty Home Care, visit our other web site at