While traveling yesterday, Stephen came across an interesting article in The New York Times this week titled “The Tangle of Coordinated Health Care” that has some great points to consider while not only coordinating care and services for current and potential clients, but especially those that may be coming out of the hospital or rehab facility. Further, the growing number of coordinators and managers at various levels leaves questions about who is mainly in charge.
The article discusses the various “care coordinators” that may be contacting your client and how this can be frustrating for the client and their family. Many times it’s not clear to the family which coordinators have expertise or authority about the client’s care or medications, but often it is clear that none of them are talking to one another because they are from different doctor’s offices or hospitals or the like.
Are your care coordinators contributing to the frustrations or are they taking steps to help alleviate the frustrations of your clients and their families? Definitely something to think about.