The Tea Ladies … Building a Personal Brand in Private Duty Home Care

Stephen Tweed | August 27, 2012 | Newsroom
One of our favorite home care companies, owned and operated by some of our favorite people, is Partners in Senior Carein Grays Lake, Illinois.  We met Trisha Menoni and Angie Landmesser at one of our Academy for Home Care Leadership programs in Chicago many years ago.  At that workshop, they shared with us a copy…

One of our favorite home care companies, owned and operated by some of our favorite people, is Partners in Senior Carein Grays Lake, Illinois.  We met Trisha Menoni and Angie Landmesser at one of our Academy for Home Care Leadership programs in Chicago many years ago.  At that workshop, they shared with us a copy of their “Tea Card” and told us the story of their company and how they built it. 

Trisha, the founder of the company, and her daughter Angie, had crafted a unique note card telling the story of tea parties and connection.  The “Tea Card” contains two tea bags glued inside.  This unique card tells the story and clearly identifies the company.  They have sent out thousands of tea cards, and have used the theme so frequently and so consistently that they are now known as the “Tea Ladies.” 

Tell Your Personal Story

Trisha, and her daughters, Angie, Kate, and Bridget, have built an incredible business with an incredible brand awareness in their local marketplace using the principles of branding.  Part of the brand is based on their personal story, and the fact that it is a family business.  No one can compete with that brand because it is their story based on their own family.

For example, when Trisha’s mother was still living, they had a saying when selecting caregivers;  “Would we send this person to care for grandma?”  Grandma was an active part of the business, as she was the one who glued the tea bags into the tea cards for their outbound mailing campaigns. 

 Trisha Menoni and Angie Landmesser, owners of Partners in Senior Care, 
and Authors of Marketing to Die For  … Without Killing Your Budget.

If you would like to know more about how they have built the brand for Partners in Senior Care,  follow the link and order a copy of Marketing to Die For … without Killing Your Budget.  Trisha and Angie will give you all of their secrets, including specific web sites where you can go to get items that can be used to build your brand.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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