The Top Five Newsletter Articles of 2021

Stephen Tweed | December 21, 2021 | News and Views
Thanks for being a reader of Home Care CEO Report for 2021. One of the things we do each year is review the Google Analytics for our newsletter articles to see which newsletters are opened most frequently, and which articles are opened. Here is the list of the top five newsletter articles for 2021:  CEO…

Thanks for being a reader of Home Care CEO Report for 2021.

One of the things we do each year is review the Google Analytics for our newsletter articles to see which newsletters are opened most frequently, and which articles are opened.

Here is the list of the top five newsletter articles for 2021:

  1.  CEO Mastermind Members Selling Their Companies – January 9, 2021 – In this article we summarized the number of members who sold their businesses, and gave you some tips on the factors that influence the valuation of a home care company.
  2. What is Your Home Care Company Worth if it Were Acquired Today? – April 12, 2021 – In this article, we gave you some information on how companies are valued by outside buyers, and again summarized the seven factors that influence the valuation of your business.
  3. Another Digital Disruption in Home Care – August 18, 2021 – This article reported the news that Honor Technology Inc. has acquired Home Instead, the largest home care franchise company in the world.
  4. The Perfect Storm: No Wonder you can’t find caregivers – May 5, 2021 – This article in our Caregiver Quality Today newsletter talked about the three elements of the Perfect Storm In Caregiver Recruiting.
  5. More Big Burning Issues in the Top 5% Of Home Care – March 2, 2021 – In this article we gave you some insights in the issues that are of concern to the members of our Top 5% CEO Mastermind Group.

Tracking Trends in the Home Care Industry  Trends in home care from Leading Home Care... a Tweed Jeffries company.

One of the things we do at Leading Home Care to help our Home Care Mastermind Members, and our Strategic Business Coaching Clients stay informed is to track the major trends in the home care industry.  As we look back at 2021, we are updating our list of Top Trends.

  • Continued Consolidation of Home Care – 2021 was another big year for mergers and acquisitions in home care as a number of major companies continued to consolidate the industry.
  • Private Equity Continues to Invest in Home Care – In 2021, private equity firms continued their push to make entry into the home care industry by acquiring technology companies, franchise companies, and independent home care companies.
  • Making Progress with the Caregiver Recruiting and Retention Crisis– In 2021, the factor that separates growing companies from those that are seeing flat revenue is the ability to make progress in finding and keeping high quality caregivers.
  • New Marketing Strategies in a Post-COVID World – In 2021, leaders in home care explored new ways to market their services to attract new clients.
  • Financial Benchmarking and Metrics move Center Stage – The impact of COVID and the caregiver shortage in 2020 and 2021 have caused leaders in home care to look more closely at their financial planning process, to track key performance indicators more closely, and to analyze their data to make strategic business decisions for the future.

Stay tuned in 2022 for more articles from the thought leaders in Home Care about how these trends will shape the future of our industry, and what you can do to be among the top tier companies.

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Caregiver Quality Today

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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