Unexpected Lessons from a Software Conference

Stephen Tweed | June 23, 2017 | Events and Opportunities, Research & Trends
By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services At the end of April I had the opportunity to attend my first Infusionsoft user conference, ICON, in Phoenix, Arizona.  You're probably wondering why I'm writing about a software conference, but I was pleasantly surprised when I realized the conference didn't solely focus on using Infusionsoft and also focused…

By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services

At the end of April I had the opportunity to attend my first Infusionsoft user conference, ICON, in Phoenix, Arizona.  You’re probably wondering why I’m writing about a software conference, but I was pleasantly surprised when I realized the conference didn’t solely focus on using Infusionsoft and also focused on running small businesses and the people that own and run those small businesses.  It was as much a business-self-improvement conference as it was a user conference.

I spent three days soaking up as much small business wisdom and Infusionsoft-specific training as possible.  There were a number of celebrity keynoters, which is to be expected, but the unexpected part was that they weren’t there to tout their celebrity status, but to share their small business successes, failures and best practices to help us grow. They were Jillian Michaels, Lisa Nichols, Marcus Lemonis, Verne Harnish, and Scott Harris was the host for the whole conference.

The most surprising for me was Jillian Michaels.  I was so excited about seeing her and got as close to the stage as possible.  Many people don’t think about her as a small business owner.  Her “small” business is a $100 Million brand across all platforms, but it’s still a small business because her and her brand are the product, and she still has a small team of people to help her maintain that brand.  We all know how tough she comes across on The Biggest Loser, etc., but when she talks about business she has found the perfect mix of being tough and being smart.

Here are the best takeaways that I had from Jillian’s session:

  • Don’t try to be everything to everybody.  That goes for being a boss or manager and it also applies to your company.  You may not have the services available to be the end all be all for every single client.  Focus on what you do well and master it, rather than doing a not-so-great job of providing every service to every client.
  • A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul (and possibly your career).  The best example of this is her chart-topping “30-Day Shred” program that was one of her first products launched.  She told us that she doesn’t own it, Lionsgate does…worst day ever when she realized she wasn’t informed enough when she signed the deal. But, lesson learned…always keep yourself informed. This was the biggest mistake of her career but it also taught her the most.
  • Your #1 Asset is your TEAM!
    • Value them!
    • Empower them but ride the line.
    • Go over, above and beyond for your staff that are dedicated and help you see what you don’t know.
    • Don’t micromanage…check-in.

Jillian stressed the importance of learning every day.  When considering who and where to learn things from, she offered the following guidance:

  1. Learn from credible sources that yielded results.
  2. Credible sources that conflict aren’t necessarily wrong, you just have to pick what works for you.
  3. Learn from your mistakes.
  4. Be honest and humble and admit what you don’t know.

Finally, she said “You can be successful…if you’re passionate and informed and prepared.”  I think that pretty easily translates to home care, business in general, and also your personal life.  I feel like I’m a better mom when I’m informed and prepared.  I also feel like a better employee when I’m informed and prepared.  Being passionate is just part of who I am. I don’t do anything I’m not passionate about.  Being informed and prepared is something I’m striving to be better at every day.

So let me ask you…

What areas of your business could benefit from you being more informed and prepared?  (I assume you’re passionate about home care or else you wouldn’t be in business.)

Where can you learn every day?

Do you consider your team your #1 asset?

I’d suggest you take some time to think about those questions and if there is room for improvement, then take action!

If you need help with being more informed and prepared, read more of our blog posts or ask us or others where they learn.  I’d also suggest you explore one of our Mastermind Groups or upcoming Field Trips. One of the best ways to learn is from other people doing what you’re doing that are doing it well.


Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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