What does your IDEAL Applicant Tracking System look like?

Stephen Tweed | October 23, 2013 | Newsroom
For many companies the process of tracking job candidates is one of the most tedious, time consuming aspects of recruiting and hiring caregivers. Someone has to review all those applications to find a few qualified candidates, then contact them by phone or email to schedule an interview and send an assessment link.  What if that…

For many companies the process of tracking job candidates is one of the most tedious, time consuming aspects of recruiting and hiring caregivers. Someone has to review all those applications to find a few qualified candidates, then contact them by phone or email to schedule an interview and send an assessment link. 

What if that entire process could be handled online with your team receiving applications only for those that meet your pre-set qualifications? Just imagine what your team can do with all that extra time.

What is your current application process?  Do you use paper applications or can applicants apply online? Is your online application part of an applicant tracking system (ATS)?

We’re interested in how you track, and respond to, your applicants. Many companies still use paper applications while others use a detailed online application that is part of an ATS that screens applicants based on pre-determined parameters.  Sounds good doesn’t it?
Please Take A Moment to Complete a Quick Survey
In an effort to find solutions to help you save time and money Leading Home Care and Caregiver Quality Assurance are asking for your help. We have created a short survey we’d like you to complete.  It’s only seven questions.  Your answers will help us understand the issues you face when screening applicants. In turn, we’ll do the research to find the companies that offer an applicant tracking systems and other tools with the features that are important to you. 
Here’s the link.  Please complete the survey.   



Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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