What’s Your “Magnificent Obsession”?

Stephen Tweed | January 3, 2013 | Newsroom
By Stephen TweedWhat's the one major life experience that you have always wanted to have?  What's the one thing that you lay awake nights dreaming about?Each of us needs a "Magnificent Obsession". Something significant to dream about doing or experiencing. I'm not just talking about a bucket list.  We all need one of those too.I've…

By Stephen Tweed

What’s the one major life experience that you have always wanted to have?  What’s the one thing that you lay awake nights dreaming about?

Each of us needs a “Magnificent Obsession”. Something significant to dream about doing or experiencing. I’m not just talking about a bucket list.  We all need one of those too.

I’ve come to learn that not everyone has their own Magnificent Obsession.  For my sister-in-law, Patricia Nardi, it was do an around-the-world-cruise.  For my wife, Elizabeth, it was to live for an extended period of time in Italy. Both of these wonderful women have had the opportunity to fulfill their magnificent obsessions.

For Elizabeth, her chance to live in Italy for an extended period came this past summer and fall. She spent almost three months living in Tuscany, with a couple of weeks in a cottage in Chianti and 10 weeks in an amazing palazzo in the city of Florence.  Elizabeth’s dream was not to go over there and do all of the typical tourist things.  We’ve done that.  Here dream was to go there and live as the locals live.  She wanted to experience the culture, the people, and the lifestyle of Italy in the 21st century.

What’s your Dream?

There’s a wonderful saying that says to lead a fulfilling life, everyone needs something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for.  As a leader in home health care or hospice, you have plenty to do.  Hopefully, you have a rich life with someone you love to share it with.

The real question is, What are  you hoping for or dreaming of in your life?  Get clear about it and that becomes your “Magnificent Obsession”.

Here’s a Sample

While having the experience of living in Tuscany, Elizabeth took time almost every day to write about her adventure.  First, she posted it as a blog and sent links to friends and family.  However, as the blog progressed, she realized that people from all around the world were finding the blog on the internet and reading her story.   The fact that so many people were finding and reading the blog encouraged her to give it more of a life of its own. When she got back to the states and decompressed from her life in Italy, she explored the idea of transforming the blog into a book.  Her friends and family encouraged her to do that, and several of our professional speaker and author friends gave her guidance in how to transform her writing into an eBook format.

The result is a brand new eBook that is now available on Amazon for the Kindle.  It has been an amazing adventure not only to share with Elizabeth her adventure in Italy, but to share the adventure of turning it into a book. 

To learn more about the concept of creating your own “Magnificent Obsession“, take a few minutes and download 90 Days in Florence: Diary of an Italian Adventure in Tuscany.  Read through this intimate memoir of one person’s personal experience living out their dream.

Then set aside some quiet time to think about your life, and the one passion you have that can be molded into your once in a life time adventure.  Enjoy the Journey.  

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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